SC.5.E.7.7 Severe Weather Safety

SC.5.E.7.7: Design a family preparedness plan for natural disasters and identify the reasons for having such a plan.

How can we stay safe during storms?

When severe weather approaches, it is important to already have a plan in place to stay safe. Having a severe weather plan in place ahead of time will avoid panic, confusion, and help to keep you and your family safe.

One of the most common types of severe weather in Florida is a thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Lightning can travel far from the storm. What looks like a clear blue sky above you can still be dangerous if there is a thunderstorm in the area. Go inside as soon as you hear thunder.

Tropical storms and hurricanes also affect Florida. Since we can have warning of an approaching tropical storm of hurricane days in advance, it is easy to be prepared if a plan is made ahead of time. Food, water, and batteries are easy to stock ahead of time, but as soon as a storm is approaching, these supplies can quickly run out.

Tornados are common in Florida, but fortunately they are not as destructive as tornados in other parts of the country. Plan a safe place in your home ahead of a tornado warning.

In all severe weather situations and emergencies such as fires, have a place for your family to gather to make sure everyone is safe. Have everyone’s phone contact information to let others know you are ok. Having a plan in place is the safest way to go.